Stand Up And Fight - Now!

The state of the world is getting worse and worse, and I know for a lot of you, problems have been piling up in your own life, too.
Maybe money problems, problems related to work, family, relationships, physical health issues, or mental health problems, and much more.
Now this has been going on for some time, and for most people, the solution to this was: to try to cope with it as best as one can, to go to the maximum of one's strength to, for example, keep that job, to keep the family intact, to deal with one's mental health issues, to find some way to still gain enough money to get by, and so on.
In other words: to comply, to adapt, to conform, to deny oneself and one's wishes and desires and one's nature, to obey.
And these people decided not to rebel, not to break away from society, not to start a revolution.

Now, what is becoming more and more obvious, essentially on a weekly basis, is that this path of conformism is a path to certain doom and ruin.

For example, money is getting more and more tight, things get more and more expensive, there are more and more shortages of goods and so on... maybe, until now, by getting a 2nd or 3rd job, and selling a lot of your stuff, or other ways, you managed to still have enough money to buy food and pay rent and maybe some luxuries... but if that trend continues, will you still be able to do so in 1 year, or maybe even 1 month?
As I said, most people are already at maximum strain trying to cope with their multitude of problems, and if the state of the world keeps getting worse and worse, and these people still do not rebel - they will simply perish.
Society and everything is obviously breaking down. So the idea you could just live life "like you used to", with your job, and your comfortable home, your shopping, parties and luxuries and so on, is nonsense, because all this will go away shortly.
Your old life is an illusion of the past and will soon cease to exist.

So what is the solution? What is the other way? What can you do, instead of trying to be obedient?
Well, you need to get up and fight now, because very soon, it might be too late.
We need to overthrow society and fix the things that are wrong, before these very problems will destroy all of us.

Now, there might be two objections:

1. Some people might say: "There is a risk in rebellion, especially in societal rebellion. It might be safer for me in the end if I continue to adapt and conform, because maybe the current crises in the world are just short term things, maybe in 2-3 months everything will be fixed, and then everything will be fine, and I can finally return to my 'old life'"
Well, do you really believe that? That things will not get worse, but instead, by some big blue miracle coming from the sky, everything gets fixed and solved suddenly?
No, we must fix the situation by our own actions, not by hoping for some miraculous deliverance from "above".

2. "Things are going to go to shit anyway, we can neither stop or change it, thus it would be useless to resist and fight".
Well, if you believe that, that our "fate" is already written, and everything is pointless, then why do you even keep going to work or do other things to maintain a normal life? If you believe that "doom is near, and certain", why don't you, for example, withdraw all money from your account and spent your final days with partying or on booze?

Now there might be more objections, but all these are fake in one way or the other, because the real reason people talk and think this way is that they are trained to be obedient, to the point of thinking that obedience must be maintained at any cost, even in the face of disaster, and is always the best mode of action.
This trained behavior can be found in many areas and aspects of life and society. I will give one example from school:
some kids in your class did some shit and were caught, maybe you were involved in it, too, now all hell's breaking loose, and you think, to escape the wrath of the teacher and adults, it is best to stay put, to play being complacent, and maybe they will give you another chance then, and you might just get through this situation - while if you'd act defiant, your problems would multiply.
There are more examples of behavior and thoughts like this from other sectors of society.

But, in the current world situation, being complacent, and just trying to keep on living your own little life and staying away from acts of defiance, will get you nowhere, and lead to your certain death - or a worse fate.

So - what is to be done?
Start to rebel! Stop being an obedient slave to society, to authorities, to norms... resist, get active, stand up. Change your life, change society, change the world!
How is this to be done?
Well, there are probably many problems in your life, and the world, that you are clearly aware of, that you could try to change.
You gotta start somewhere. You don't have to succeed at the first try. You don't have to have the perfect plan everything. Just resist.
"Stray from the course". Do something. The first step leads to other, bigger steps. And things gain momentum, and get more clear, as you go on. It's not as hard as you think. It's not as confusing as you think. Just resist. Start to fight!
Before it is too late.
You have the right to resist. You have the right to demand things, to follow your own self and to stand up for what you believe in.
Because you, me, everyone else - we can win!

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