How the "Fool's Journey" Trope in Media Can Help with Your Music Production - and Your "Career"

There is a trope that appears in many types of media; movies, books, comics, stories, even video-games... so let's take a closer look at it.
For example, science fiction, thriller, or "epic" movies often feature a protagonist that is a type of loser, outsider, nerdy; but not an "outsider" to that degree that they are the absolute, negative center of attention for their social surroundings; to the contrary, they are often people that are ignored, avoided, almost like their lives are invisible to everyone.
they might be a dorky teenager. a young adult stuck in dead end jobs, or living an annoying life, being "stuck" at their family's home. people with office jobs that get nowhere, or that have trouble asserting themselves, being "seen", getting the attention of the gender(s) they are attracted to. or maybe even older protagonists, that could be fringe scientists that have always been ignored by their peers.

maybe it's not even that dramatic - they are not perpetual losers. just people without a very exciting life, or exciting trajectory.
so, for the first few minutes of the movie, we are introduced to this protagonist and his "quiet live". these scenes might even be long-winding, and feel a bit boring.
then, suddenly, something happens. they see a meteor coming down. or they hear strange noises from the forest. their suitcases get exchanged. they accidentally receive an email with confidential information. and so on.

let's stick with the "meteor" example, and a young adult protagonist.
out of curiosity, they follow up to the supposed "crash site".
government officials are already there.
things do not add up.
they intend to get the whole thing out of their head and live on their lives. but of course they can't.
they do further inquiries.
extra-terrestrials seem to be involved.
their peers do not believe them - at first.
further evidence is gathered.
a peer finds out that it was not a "meteor" that crashed - it was a bona fide u.f.o.

the government tries to cover it up.
they are getting chased, have to leave their homes.
now some of the aliens chase them, too.
they have to fight.
they manage to get their hands on futuristic weaponry.
eventually, the government officials "give in" and realize they need to tell the truth, or the young adults would "blow the cover" of the whole story.

humanity is caught in an intergalactic war.
since ancient times.
the u.f.o. was shot down in this war.
humans are mere pawns in these happenings that span the the whole galaxy.
the young adult protagonists get equipment that allows them to travel between stars.
they meet other alien races.

they discover portals on far away planets that lead to other dimensions.
and from here on... everything gets even more exciting.

you see what i did there? or rather, what all the directors did, that created movies with similar plots?
it all begins very humble, subdued, quiet, silent. we see the live of an everyman in his everyday world, and it's not very exciting. but then, slowly but surely, elements out of the ordinary, of a different, cosmic nature, are introduced. but not all at once. we are getting there, at a low but steady tempo. and then everything becomes more and more cosmic and electrifying and thrilling...

I call this trope "The Fool's Journey", as it mirrors the one undertaken by Class "R" Detective John DiFool in the Jodoverse of stories.

But... how does this relate to music production?
Because music producers usually do not want to be "the fool". They want to rush things. they want to have the cosmic climax at the end of all things - right at the beginning.

or, to give a specific example.
a person with little experience in music production has a go at creating techno, or synthwave, or whatever.
and, of course, in their youthful impatience, they want to "churn out killer tunes" right from the start.

no no, it does not work like that. start slow, start bad. maybe your first tracks suck like heck. don't let that discourage you. rise up, slowly but steadily, from that.

similarly, "fresh" producers always ask experienced, well-known ones about the "secret" of making epic tracks. even if they would tell you this, it would be no use to you.
you can't be totally epic from the beginning.

you should choose to have patience. and choose to "accept" producing tracks that might be a bit boring or annoying or not what you want at all.
even your first releases might still be a bit dull and lacking.
the cosmic, awe-inspiring stuff will come later - and if you follows this path, it will come naturally and automatically.

but this does not go only for your music production trajectory - but also for your individual tracks or songs themselves.

because it is impossible to create tracks that are purely marvelous, stunning, exciting, celestial. everything has to include its opposite too. so a track needs to have dull, less exciting, and even "bad" parts, too, or it will simply fell apart.

it's just that the "fan" usually does not realize this about his beloved songs.
you don't believe me?

take any song that is unequivocally considered to be an epic and a classic.
then, if it's available, look up the history and details behind its production.
and you will always find "production dents" and flaws and mistakes in it:

maybe the drummer accidentally dropped the stick during recording and had to finish without it ("Ronettes - Be My Baby"). or the vocalist was in jail and had to record his voice using a telephone ("Bad Brains - Sacred Love")
okay that one was maybe not so well-known, but it was epic.
or the whole production session went haywire, important vocalists couldn't perform or did not even turn up ("Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas").
or the band simply decided to jump into the pool and this became an glorious sound effect of the 80s ("Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax").
this one was maybe not a "dent" because it was intentional, but it's still a good example of being cool during production.
or the band realized they recorded too few material for their album so they improvised something in a few minutes by throwing some chords and drumming together ("Black Sabbath - Paranoid").

it's just that this information is usually too sensitive for the general public, of if the "fans" know it, they ignore its implications (that mistakes and flaws inform artists' hits).

so that is something that is always there. don't be afraid of being foolish once in a while. and i hope the above can help you a bit with your own production - and music "career"!

Life-Changing Dream

I want to get back to a dream that I wrote down a while ago. You can read the whole thing here:

I want to especially address the following part:

"I fell through the floor, into the ground, and then into darkness.
I found myself in the middle of a dark void; absolutely nothingness. Yet it felt like an enclosed, walled darkness. I could sense barriers of the void in the distance above me, and around me.
Suddenly a white and glowing humanoid being walked to me; it looked scary, but also somewhat sacred. It extended its arm to me and held a key in its hand, offering it to me.
I decided to take the key.
The being disappeared. Instead a door was visible suddenly. While the door stood in the middle of the dark nothingness, I could see light coming through the cracks.
I walked to the door and opened it with the key.
When I walked through, I first thought I was in my hometown again. The place looked somewhat like an airport, or the outside of a large train hub."

The dream, and especially this segment, did not leave my mind for a long time. I pondered about it, trying to find a clue, interpretation, meaning.
Finally, something dawned on me. I think there is a "message" to be found here, or rather, a piece of information, a concept.
And I think this idea is one of the most important ideas I had in my whole life; maybe the most important one; and I think it's very important for others, too.

Let's take a closer look at it.
A first dream interpretation, of what's going on in this fictional realm, is this:

In my dream, I got somehow trapped in a void. A disastrous situation; a primal horror experience for most humans.
But not only was I stuck in a void, somehow there were also barriers enclosing me in the void, making an attempt at escape even further futile!
But just when all hope was lost, a mysterious being appeared, handed me a key. The key created a door, and I could escape.

It might be tempting to go for this explanation of the dream story.
But some parts of it do not make sense. First, a key does not *create* doors. Why did the door appear in the moment the being handed me the key? And where did it come from, if I was in a void? If I was in a void, why was I not falling? And how could there be barriers, if it is a void? There are more things to be said here. In the end, it doesn't make sense.

Now, I know a bit about dream logic, and especially the logic of "my" dreams.
I think dreams generally represent the mind of the dreamer, their thoughts, emotions etc.
And that especially I, or my "self" in the dream, is a representation of my mind.

Running along with this: if "I" sensed there are barriers in my dream, then it means my mind *thought* there are barriers. If I perceived I was in a void, then it means my mind thought it was in a void.

But these were just - thoughts. There was never a void. There never were any barriers. There was always an exit, a way out, an escape. And taking the key made me realize this. The door did not "appear"; there was always a passage and there never was an actual void or barrier. The "being" gifted me this epiphany.

Now, I want to explain why I came to this conclusion, and how the dream related to my real life.

I was going through a very shitty, horrible, depressing situation in my life. Part of it was not my fault, but caused by things that seemed to be out of my control, and especially how people treated me and how I responded to their behavior.

I thought I was stuck. I thought there was nothing I could do. I thought no one would ever help me.
But I finally realized: "No, that's not like it is. It seems like it is that way. Even on a rational level. But it can't be true. My mind is playing tricks on me. People can't be that bad, that negative, towards me. I will give it a try, and reach out for help, and put my faith in others again."

And, yes. It turned out that, in the end, it was really just in my mind. Others were sympathetic to me and tried to help me. I found solutions and ways to improve the state of things.

Yes, the horrible life situation I was in was very much *real* - in a sense. But the idea that I could not change it, that I could not rise above it, that others would not come to my "rescue" - was an illusion, bordering on the paranoid.

All these things, realizations, changes, happened around the time that I had this dream. And that's why I think the "message" of the dream is just like I said above.

Part 2

Okay - this might seem like i had a little psycho drama with myself, and the dream helped me to resolve it. You might say: "But, above that, maybe it's not that important, right?"
No, I completely disagree with that.
In the context above, it related to my situation and the problems associated with it.
But it goes beyond that. It relates to almost every situation in life - or maybe indeed *every* situation in life. It is a human, a civilizatory, maybe even cosmic universal.
Because people always imagine they are stuck. that they are enclosed. that they are in a bad situation and cannot escape. that they could not change negative things.

they might feel stuck in their job. in their hometown. in a relationship.
they might feel powerless against their government. against society. against the authorities.
they might be artists who think they will never amount to anything.
they might be people who they think they could never a life as happy as the "rich and famous" seem to do.
they might be violently oppressed by their government, their lives might be in actual danger, but they are scared and think they could not win and overthrow their society.

i could go an endlessly with this list of examples...
and it's never true. you are never powerless. your case is never hopeless. your fate, your future, is never pre-decided. you can always rise up. you can get out of everything. you can rise above everything.
above culture, above society, above oppression and violence and misery...

and the only reason most people fail to do so is because they *image* they could not do so.
they are imprisoned in their mind. they *belief* that they have no power, that they have no hope, that they have no future.
and of course, the ruling classes, the media, all authorities eagerly feed these false "beliefs" amongst the oppressed and miserable.
but it's just a belief. imagined. fictional. it's just in people's head.

and if you realize that this is just your own belief in your lack of options, abilities, possibilities - then nothing can stop you anymore, and you can finally be free.

of course, this is easier said than done. some of these false "beliefs" exist for thousand of years now - or even longer.
it seems to be one of the hardest things for a human being, to drop the belief that they are hopeless and powerless, and to finally get on their feet and struggle to break free.

but it can be done. the decision is all yours.

there is no void in your life. there are no walls, fences, barriers. there is always a passage, a door, and you have always been free. you just did not realize it yet.

so let's do it now.

Revealing it all: (non-sexual) nudity as a metaphor for the creative process

1. Society and nudity

There is a common fear that many people have: to end up being accidentally exposed in the nude. For example by going outside to fetch the newspaper while being undressed, just for a short moment, but then the door slams shut - and similar misadventures.
In fact, there is a re-occurring nightmare for a lot of people: that they would go for a walk, to work, or shopping, and suddenly realize that they forgot to put on any pants.
I could give more examples like this.

But what is it that makes the state of nudity extremely uncomfortable to so many people?
After all, animals are nude all the time, and they do not mind it.
Some would say: "because of sexuality" - which is generally a topic of taboo in the Western world.
And yes, while nudity is sometimes related to sexuality (as in "online nude leaks"), this explanation is not enough.

In the end, the guy who accidentally locked himself out of his house, nude, does not fear that he could induce "sexual thoughts" in women that pass by, or anyone else for that matter.
If a paparazzi somehow managed to take a photo of a somewhat wrinkled, elderly male politician, this would still be a scandal, even if no-one felt "aroused" by this.
It is "being bare" itself that people fear most of the time, not any connected sexuality.

2. The bare facts

So, why is being nude so frightening to some people?
There are many reasons.

Our bodies are far from being perfect. Our bodies are far from those "ideals" that are shown in the media.
We might have "a bit of chub" (or much more), scars, dimples, pimples, excessive or strange body hair, discolored skin; arms, legs, and other body parts that look bony, unusual, weird in some way, we might not like the appearance or shape, size, form of our own genitalia, and so on.

With clothes, one is able to completely hide a lot of these things.
But without them... everybody sees who you really are. The bare truth. All your imperfections, and flaws. All you tried to hide gets uncovered.
You're just a weird, weak, fleshy human being. A walking bag of skin, fat, and various organs.

Now that you're in the nude, you don't look so strong and powerful, right?

In fact, there was a common advice given to people that were afraid of speaking in front of people: to just image everyone in the crowd as being in their underwear, or nude.
Once again, this was nothing sexual. The reasoning was that the crowd you address no longer feels threatening or intimidating once you imagine them to be humans in their weak, weird, silly, natural state of nudity.

3. Revealing yourself in your creativity

Now, let's come to creativity.
As I'm a musician, I'll use music production as the example here.
One of the most paralyzing, destructive habits during the production process is to be overly perfectionist. Your track is 99% finished, but you still perceive flaws in it, and other crooked things, and you go back and forth trying to fix this.

But really. Among your favorite songs by others: is there always perfect production in these?
I dare you to listen closely to your favorites, and you will see there are tiny flaws here and there, especially in the singing voice / style of many performers.
So why are you so worried?

Or you might have some "weaknesses" as a producer. You feel the drums in your tracks are lacking, or have a problem with melody-work, and so on.
But again: not all elements in the productions of other musicians are perfect or top-notch either. So why do you mind?

4. No judgment

Because you fear the judgement of others. To feel their gaze on your music, on you, and on your very soul.

That you expose your flaws and weakness to them, and they see the bare truth about you.

I'll give a different, more personal example.
I sometimes had phases of heavy depressions. And during these phases, I feared that my depressive mood would somehow spill into my productions. And that others would notice this, and be offended, and reject my music.
But after some time, I decided to still go ahead, and do not hide my depression, not in personal life, nor in music.
And the tracks I produced ended up becoming the most popular among my listeners!

I was afraid they would see me how I truly was - a frail human suffering from depression. But it turned out there was no need to be afraid of this, or to hide anything about myself, my music, and my personality.

I could go on with many more examples like this. But I guess you caught the drift by now....

5. Feeble humans

Now, this does not mean you should produce and release everything, without quality control (but if you really want to, feel free to do that, too).

Instead, the question you should ask yourself is: "When I'm alone with myself in a room: do I like my music, or my art?"
And am I being afraid of sharing it with world, or being desperate to "fix" it, only because I fear the gaze of others on my art? That they could see any flaws or imperfections on it, and judge me?
That I could expose something of myself to others that I try to hide?

6. The Metaphor

I say: Share it all. Bare it all. Reveal who you truly are, how you truly think and feel, in your art.
Everything - including your weaknesses, crookedness, all your quirks and strangeness.
Because that's what makes you truly unique and beautiful.
You are just a feeble human with days of joys and days of suffering, with incredible strength and silly frailties, with great potentials and odd imperfections.

Like we all are.

So do not be afraid to expose it all in your art.
Show all of yourself through your art, through your thoughts, through your creativity.
Because you and your art are amazing - even in all its mistakes and errors.

And if someone judges you for this - then they are probably just effected by their own problems.

So. I hoped you liked this metaphor.

Do not be afraid to truly reveal yourself in the creative process.

Hardcore Techno & Mental Health

The Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter aims to focus, and provide helpful information, on topics like anxiety, depression, mania, isolation, and other problems and so-called "disorders", in relation to the Hardcore Techno scene, community, and culture.

Contact us at

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #1 - Introducing the Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #2 - "There is no sex in Hardcore"

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #3 - Sonic mental health project

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #4 - Let's normalize talking about mental health issues.

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #5 - NYE Message 2023

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #6 - Being Hardcore with Mental Health Problems

NYE Message - change the world, change your lives!

So here's my little message for you, to reign in the new year.
I know a lot of you out there go through a lot of pain right now. I know this, because you have told me - in mails, on messengers, and elsewhere.
Not just having a crisis, but that you are essentially getting emotionally choked to death in this moment. Into the deepest pain and the deepest void imaginable.

Let me tell you, this goes beyond the personal, individual level. The whole world is in a lot of pain right now. It feels like everything is going insane.

Now let me offer you at least a fragment of explanation for these feelings.
The world is changing. On a deep level. And life is, too.
But, people are still fighting this change. And this creates this feeling of pain.
Because people are desperately clinging to things that they are not able to hold on to. And wasting their energy and emotions beyond the point of exhaustion.
Let's give some examples.

People feel depressed and anxious at their workplace. And, indeed, the whole concept of work, attitude related to work etc. is changing right now.
Yet they still walk to their same shitty job every shitty day even though they know it's pointless, their job might disappear in a few years anyway, together with their saving money.
But they still wake themselves up each morning and get out of and bed and walk to a job that's killing them on the inside. For no reason at all.

Or they are stuck in a venomous relationship. They tear each other up, or get torn up. They know nothing changes, and it won't get better. But they still desperately stick to their relationship even though they know it will kill them.

Or they're in a subculture that was lively and exciting in the past, but is populated by numbed zombies and fuckheads now. Still, they don't leave, and change nothing.

Why do people do this? They are afraid of change. They are afraid of something new.
"Better the devil you know", "A new situation could be even worse", and more bullshit sayings like that.

But most importantly, people generally are unable to let go of things. Because, yes, it's true - it's very difficult to let go. It's very hard to start something new. To face a completely new situation.

And finally: Yes, you all are right! What you say is true. When you change something, when you change your life, it could indeed be worse than before. You could fail! You can fail horribly.

But that is not a reason to not at least *try* to change something.

You never have a guarantee for a good outcome in life.
But you should still dive head-first into the unknown.

If you hate your job. Quit it, and try something else.
If you hate your relationship. Quit it, and try something else.
If you hate your subculture. Don't accept it, change it.

That's the only way you will be able to free yourself from the choke-hold.
And this goes for every other area of life as well.

Because, believe me. Things won't get better and easier by themselves.

Remember how hard life already was in 2019?
The pain we went through in 2023 made 2019 pale in comparison, right?
Who can fathom how hard 2024 will be for us... and the years that follow - if we don't fight all of this!

So don't stick to things that torture you. Don't follow your routine every day, every month, every year, when you despite that routine.
Get out of situations that are harmful to, to your soul, to your mind.
Flee, fight, or change this stuff.

Yes, change is scary. Yes, the "unknown" feels frightening and the "pain that you used to" feeds on your illusion of conformity.
And yes, you might even fuck up - at first.

But then get up again, wipe the sweat and blood away, and on to the next round.

I know you can win. I know *we* can win. It's easier than you think.
And when all this is past, you will realize it was much more difficult, and much more painful, to hold on - instead of letting go and moving ahead.

You are a brave, fierce little fighter. Like everyone is, deep in his heart. 

I'm counting on you. I'm counting on all of us.

And now here is little additional advice.
If you really feel too frightened - or too uncertain - to tackle these big changes.
Then start by changing little things first.
Do *some* things that are a total breakaway from your routine, while still maintaining it.
Start looking online for new jobs, while sticking to your old job for a while.
Talk to others about your relationship problems even if you feel unable to get out of it at first.
Maybe this illusion of a safety net will help you, while these "small" things will show you that change is indeed possible, and waiting for you out there.
Apply this to any other area of life that damages you.

Oh, and please don't get the impression that this text is about some self-help, feel-good kind of stuff.
I'm talking about deep, profound, burning, annihilating changes, that transform your life from the ground up - and the world!

Dream Lovers

Low Entropy's Dream Producer Diary

Dreams about love are always an extraordinary type of dream.
I am especially interested in a certain kind of theme: media, books, movies, songs etc. in which lovers are united in their dreams and share true, pure, eternal love - but have never met in real life!
Songs and tracks (from all genres) that express this theme often end up becoming my favorite songs. And are very influential to my own music production.

Here is a list of some of them. They are directly or indirectly related to this theme.

Desire - Black Latex

"It's Like The Whole World Has Gone Mad
I Saw You In A Dream Again
All Dressed In Blue
Crossing The Tide
Burning Like Fire
It's Just Me & You
You're The Sun
I'm The Moon"

Platronic - Dreams

"And even if we both don't speak
Silence is louder than it seems
Cause we're sharing the same thoughts
And we're bearing the same dreams"

Dynoro & Gigi D’Agostino - In My Mind

"And in my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we're waiting for"

David Sylvian - Thoroughly Lost To Logic

"When the crazy one came
She placed her finger on my forehead
And pushed on through
I woke up, face on fire
Spitting out diamonds
Thoroughly lost to logic
Craving her madness"

Superpower - By The Fire

"Come with me
By the fire
Feel the flames
Of our desire


Born in my mind
Born in my mind"

(Could actually be "Burn in my mind"... but I prefer this interpretation)

Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours

"I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what you have done in your life
Baby, I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long, please come by

I still believe in your eyes
There is no choice, I belong to your life
Because I will live to love you someday
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away

And I'll fly with you, 

Every day and every night
I always dream that you are by my side
Oh baby, every day and every night
Well, I said everything's gonna be alright

And I'll fly with you,"

Alan Walker - Faded

"You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Another star
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Where are you now?
Were you only imaginary?"

Alle Farben & ILIRA - Fading

All I ever wanted was to find you
Find a love I never knew
I can feel the pain inside me fading
While I'm fading into you

Julee Cruise - The Nightingale

"The nightingale
It said to me
'There is a love
Meant for me'
The nightingale
It flew to me
And told me
That it found my love

He said one day
'I'll meet you'
Our hearts will fly
With the nightingale
The nightingale
He told me
One day
'You will be with me"

Julee Cruise - Into The Night

"Into the night
I cry out
I cry out your name.
Into the night
I search out
I search out your love.
Night so dark
Where are you?
Come back in my heart
So dark
So dark."

Julee Cruise - Mysteries of Love

"Sometimes a wind blows
And you and I float
In love
And kiss forever
In a darkness
And the mysteries of love
Come clear"

Julee Cruise - The Voice of Love

"When, when all the world falls
And when, when you are here
There's a glow just like the stars
I hear a distant voice, listen, listen

I dream, I dream of starlight
I dream, I dream of you
There's a glow just like the sun
I hear a distant voice, listen, listen"

Rank 1 - Airwave

"I feel you
Over the airwaves"

The Cure - Just Like Heaven

"Spinning on that dizzy edge
Kissed her face and kissed her head
Dreamed of all the different ways
I had to make her glow
"Why are you so far away?", she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you?""

Bram Tchaikovsky - Girl Of My Dreams

"She's the girl of my dreams!"

This list will likely be amended over time.
If you know more songs or tracks like this, please let me know!

The Legend of the Zombie Rave - A Doomcore Techno Horror Story written by an AI

Dive into the darkness of underground hardcore techno with "The Legend of the Zombie Rave." This Halloween, the music takes on a supernatural twist, blurring the lines between the living and the dead. Join us for a journey that combines eerie rituals, supernatural forces, and the indomitable spirit of the underground. It's a tale of music, horror, and the thrill of the unknown. Dance to the rhythm of your own heartbeat in this special Halloween short story of "The Hardcore Overdogs."

The text was entirely written by ChatGPT ( )
The accompanying images were generated using Leonardo.Ai ( ).
The introduction was also written by ChatGPT ;-)