The Inevitable Breakdown

the world is still deep in an economic crisis that became visible to the public eye in 2008. at various points, it seemed like the complete breakdown was very close. but this did not happen. "it's a miracle it did not happen.", a friend told me a while ago. it's indeed a miracle, but a very dark one.
what happened is that the economic breakdown put an absolutely extreme strain on the population. this was often not understood as being a result of the crisis but appeared as "personal problems". anyone who feels he or she is going through a crisis in life should ask him- or herself: is it not in a way related to needing money, to having to work for money, to having to have money pay rent? the very base of capitalism! this could be losing a good job and now having a stressful shitty job, the problems of unemployment, mentally struggling people getting their support cut and having to work jobs that are not good for their health, to people having still a "good" job but having to work much more or being thoroughly alienated with a dead-end job because the "suits" have taking over. it really effects people from all classes, the lower classes being hit worse of course.
now the dark miracle is that people, instead of revolting against these new conditions, did an almost impossible feat of strength to go through these, to pull through and "fix" their life, which will ultimately be wasted.
if the same thing had happened in the 60s or 70s, there would have been a revolution. there are two reasons for it: first, many people think that this happens to them is, as mentioned, a "personal struggle" and not caused by crisis and capitalism. if people realize it's a problem of society, they think there are no alternatives to capitalism so they can't change it. but there are alternatives.
what i wonder is why people do not just "snap": say "fuck, it, i'm not going through this shit" and become homeless or something else instead of fighting this pointless struggle "to make it through" that they can only lose because the crisis of capitalism gets worse - in a few years, there won't be enough jobs and a lot of people won't be able to pay rent.
now i have no illusions on what people can endure. people in war zones go on with what is left of their "daily life" too, even in the face if terror.
but it will take its toll. the strain capitalism puts on people's life will worsen, more and more won't be able to follow the money/rent/job circuit anymore and will indeed snap or breakdown. mental health problems and social dilemmas will rise. until the the big breakdown actually happens.
the only possibility is revolution and the abolishment if capitalism. let's hope this seed gets planted in society before it is too late.

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