The Advent Of Acid

One of the techniques for meditation is to repeat a word or a sentence on and on in your mind, until you get into trance (and beyond).
I like to use a similar technique in my tracks by repeating vocal samples on and on.
There is one thing I find most fascinating, which is that after a while you will begin to find several meanings attached to a single word or sentence. A multitude of meanings.
I'll use my track "The Advent Of Acid" as an example, even though it's not the most fitting example, as it is a fragment of speech, not just a single sentence.
But when you listen to the track you will hear that Ken Kesey makes pauses during this speech, which sort of breaks it up into shorter sentences again.
So let's start.
"I believe..."
a good way to start what is to follow. I believe. You can believe in God. or maybe in Atheism. Or something more profane, you believe there will be good weather on Sunday. It can be used as a meta-meaning. I believe. I'm a believer. I stand for what i believe and will defend it. "It" could be many things.
Or it could mean you believe in the sentences that follow.
"... With the advent of acid..."
It's an acid track. So the advent of acid could be the rise of Acid House. Or it could refer to when the acid sounds start to twirl in the track. Acid rain was a big topic a few years ago. The advent of acid rain. Of course Ken Kesey means acid the drug, LSD.
The sentence can be further broken down.
"...the Advent..."
The advent. Of what? The advent of the future. The advent of a new society. Or the advent of something personal. Or maybe the advent of "Jesus Christ". In Germany, the time before Christmas is called "Adventszeit" for that reason. Or the advent of something entirely different.
"...of Acid..."
Something made of acid. Tracks that come from the genre of Acid. We as humans are made of acid, of DNA.
"... We discovered a new way to think..."
This is interesting. Think in a new way. Think boldly. Think out of the box. What is a new way to think? Think in numbers. Or symbols. Or pictures. Or maybe a new way to think on and about a certain topic. History. Sociology. Religion.
"...and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind..."
Piece together new thoughts. Thoughts you did not have before. What could a new thought be? Maybe a discovery. Or something more banal, yet still new. Or thoughts that did not exist before. Yet every time i thought I had a new thought I discovered it with some author or thinker later in my life. It had already been thought.
When listening to this quote I often hear "piercing" instead of piecing. Piercing thoughts. Thoughts that don't leave you cold. That invade your mind.

So this is just a look at the first four sentences. I only wrote down some possible meanings. There are hundreds, or maybe unlimited, more meanings that could be found.
With this multitude of meanings the sampled speech helps the listener to reach a state of trance. And an outburst of creativity.
It is really something very interesting, and something that techno music seems to be made for. It is something to be further explored.

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