A Program

....the bullshit capitalist society generates on every level of life (destruction of the enviroment, famines, war, loneliness, senseless violence etc; i.e. all-encompassing misery wherever you look) is already way beyond being merely *unacceptable*.... i dont reject some aspects of capitalist society but all aspects of capitalist society....
the various forms of liberal activism (informing the public, trying to get the attention of the media, etc) lead to "hi-quantity lo-qualitiy" change; e.g. quite a lot of people now know a bit about feminism, ecology or sexual freedom, yet the essence of these issues have become completely diluted, and they are now even used by the system itself. (e.g. fashionproducts marketed as representing the sexual freedom of women).... instead of wasting our energy on 'slowly reforming the system' i propose a radical break with capitalist societys and all its abstractions....
the most important thing in the struggle for a free society is to organise yourself.... you wont get anywhere when you're alone...
i am not talking about joining,creating the usual „political“ organisations of the past/present but about creating groups/communities that are devoid of bureacracies, hierarchies, etc... small-scale groups based on the close personal relationships of the members focused on subverting the power of the system and creating alternatives to the institutions of capitalist society....
you dont have to focus on "political" actions only, to the contrary...everything that alienates people from the system, its fake pleasures and its delusion of inevitably, and showing them the way towards a more authentic, more intense, more satisfying mode of existance and a more just, more rational, more humane form of social, political and cultural "order" is worth doing...
do not pin your hopes on the authorities or other leaders; they will betray you, they will sell you out, as history shows more than clearly... it’s not upon the „authorities“, the „goverment“, the „industry“ to do anything about the mess we and the rest of the world live in but it’s upon ourselves to wake up and to get active....
some people say that you have to "change yourself" in order to change the world.... changing ones own behavior is a good idea yet this should not be about being nice to everyone but rather without having apathy, irrational fear, and acting with self confidence and courage...
avoid the capitalist media, i repeat, avoid the capitalist media, avoid being visible to the authorities and other agents of the system..... <del> the moment you get visible, capitalist society will either decide that you and your deeds are criminal and lock you up, or the capitalist media will assimilate you and your deeds, turning them into another substance-less hype, fashion...
instead of trying to influece the „mainstream“ and capitalist society(a reformist approach based on the delusion that there could be a linear transition from a capitalist society to a free society) we ought to try to aliente people from the mainstream, the masses i.e. from capitalist society and integrate them into our own communities and social networks.... the point is instead of aiming at the 'masses' to aim at the individuals the 'masses' are composed of....
by the way, even non capitalist media(alternate zines, alternate internet pages) are not ideal, a meeting of 1000 people is better than a zine read by 1000 people(because there opinions can be debated face to face, you can meet likeminded people and create groups with them, etc )(although a meeting with 1000 people and a zine read by 1000 people would be the optimal sitatuation).... the real world, the world of the *flesh* is of importance; leaflets are better than webpages(the main flaw of the internet is that it's mostly accessed by white middle class computernerds), face to face discussions are better than leaflets...
today massive amounts of people already disagree with the status quo; they're unhappy with the way things are, and distrust the 'wisdom' of the powerful authorities.... yet these people dont engage in active change; they simply don't see any ways to actually change things for the better.... if we „lead by example“ showing them thru our action that alternatives are possible many of them will join us...
action without theory is just as bad as theory without action...so check out the theory, read books...it is really important to grasp the underlying concepts of the struggle for a free society and to understand, for example, the role of the massmedia inside capitalist society...
the often voiced idea that "nothing will change anyway", that all action will result in nothing at all, is bullshit; on a global level, the changes we might make are small, but as i said above, the quality of changes is important, not the quantity.... it will quite probably be the case that some of our attempts will fail; but this is not a problem, since our „failures“ will give us insight in how we should do it better in the future; therefore approaches that „fail“ are a vital part of our activism, just as a child trips a few times while learning how to walk.... of course there are many things,  which cant be accomplished by simple small scale organization&action.... for attaining "bigger" goals these groups have to set up some network of groups...
so here are some concrecete ideas of what the abovementioned groups could focus on...
anarchist street preaching: talking to people on the street about the evils of capitalism and the possibilites of resistance... this is the most direct way to reach people... of course avoid the police and the media and make sure to adopt your speech to your audience e.g. using intellectual vocubularly wont do much good in a lower class area... free sex collectives: sex/love is one of the most mutilated things within capitalist society; let's experiece whats real love/sex thats not based on bourgeois values like monogamy, subjugation, etc feels like....antischool collectives: helping people avoid the state-run education systems and or employing alternate methods of "education"... free food collectives, free places-to-sleep(squatting), free "anything else" collectives, you get the point...what we have to do is to ask ourselves: which demands, which desires, can we fulfill 'outside' the system, by organizing ourselves....

(in a different and short form, the above text was put on the backcover of my Widerstand LP in 2003)

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