the everyday world is an illusion. i don't mean this in a metaphysical sense; the atoms and walls are "really there". what i mean is that the ideology of the everyday world is illusionary. for example, people strive for money and buy things and think that would make them happy; but it won't. or they think if they would be famous, like a rockstar, they would be happy; but they won't. so people in this society live a life fueled by illusion from the cradle to the grave.
a lot of groups in the 20th century realized this; the surrealists, the hippies, the punks, a lot of ravers... they realized how shallow and empty the everyday world is. but the more sophisticated amongst them all made the same error: they thought in order to escape the everyday misery, they needed to go *below* the illusion; towards bare reality without the societial ideology. and this was the deadest dead end one could imagine; and a lot of them quit these efforts very fast and rotated back to the illusions of the everyday society; if they not found a worse fate and wrecked their lifes in this quest for "reality".
the truth is that this attempt can be compared to a person living in prison, who is fed by the dream of being again free some day in the future; if he quits that dream, all he has is the everyday prison experience; horrible. if you believe in societies lies while being stuck in them, at least you have some solace; if you're disillusioned but still have to face society each day, this is worse.
so what is the solution? not going below the illusion, but *above* it. to free yourself from the limits of everyday society; to became an idealist. to dream, to believe in adventure, in freedom, in justice, in liberty, in hope and truth; and sticking to these dreams and ideals. this way you can truly rise above everyday society, forget about the boredom and dread of the so-called "real world", and truly be free.
Idealism And Art
Some people are in the art or music scene to take more than they give. There are a lot of them; these guys and girls are leeches parasite.
Now, a lot of people would think it should be a balance: to get around the same amount that you give; i.e. if you use creativity, time, mental strain and so on on your art or music, you should get something in return: recognition, money, whatever.
But that's not true. If you want to be an artist, you have to be willing to give more than you get back; or to give and get nothing in return. Because if you're a creative person you're likely an idealist; and idealists get only punishment in this world. But it's still worth doing it - exactly, and purely for the idealism.
It's complicated to talk about myself, because in such a context it's close to an ego thing. But I want to give an example of what i try to "give". I know one thing: that the society we live in right now can be abolished, and we can instead create an anarchist society based on pure freedom, pure justice, pure rightiousness and equality. Now, in the 1990s knowing this meant nothing. A million girls and boys around the world believed the same thing in the various subcultures. But I noticed, now, in 2018, and the years before, a lot of people have a hard time believing this thing. They either think that they're stuck with capitalism, or IF a revolution or breakdown of society happens, the society that would replace it would be much worse. But this is of course not true.
On a personal level, there is a similar thing. People have shitty jobs or are outsiders or have mental health problems or are in another shitty life situation. And again, they think they're stuck. But that's not the truth. You can change your life and rise above this. Again, there are not many people left who knows actually rather simple, banal but exact and imporant truth.
So these are the two thoughts I want to share with my music.
To get back to the beginning point; if you're an idealist, even if you gain nothing (and very likely, you indeed will gain nothing), and even though it's worth doing it purely for idealism; by being an idealist you will gain much more than money or fans or wealth or power or whatever your ego craves. Money and fame are a trap. They will disappear over night. It's an illusion. Look at what happens to rockstars; they commit suicide. Not despite their wealth, not despite being adored. But exactly because of that. Because money and fame are a burden that is almost impossible to stem for a human mind. It will drive you insane.
Being an idealist will give you peace of mind, happiness, rest, stability, everything you can wish for basically. So choose wisely.
Now, a lot of people would think it should be a balance: to get around the same amount that you give; i.e. if you use creativity, time, mental strain and so on on your art or music, you should get something in return: recognition, money, whatever.
But that's not true. If you want to be an artist, you have to be willing to give more than you get back; or to give and get nothing in return. Because if you're a creative person you're likely an idealist; and idealists get only punishment in this world. But it's still worth doing it - exactly, and purely for the idealism.
It's complicated to talk about myself, because in such a context it's close to an ego thing. But I want to give an example of what i try to "give". I know one thing: that the society we live in right now can be abolished, and we can instead create an anarchist society based on pure freedom, pure justice, pure rightiousness and equality. Now, in the 1990s knowing this meant nothing. A million girls and boys around the world believed the same thing in the various subcultures. But I noticed, now, in 2018, and the years before, a lot of people have a hard time believing this thing. They either think that they're stuck with capitalism, or IF a revolution or breakdown of society happens, the society that would replace it would be much worse. But this is of course not true.
On a personal level, there is a similar thing. People have shitty jobs or are outsiders or have mental health problems or are in another shitty life situation. And again, they think they're stuck. But that's not the truth. You can change your life and rise above this. Again, there are not many people left who knows actually rather simple, banal but exact and imporant truth.
So these are the two thoughts I want to share with my music.
To get back to the beginning point; if you're an idealist, even if you gain nothing (and very likely, you indeed will gain nothing), and even though it's worth doing it purely for idealism; by being an idealist you will gain much more than money or fans or wealth or power or whatever your ego craves. Money and fame are a trap. They will disappear over night. It's an illusion. Look at what happens to rockstars; they commit suicide. Not despite their wealth, not despite being adored. But exactly because of that. Because money and fame are a burden that is almost impossible to stem for a human mind. It will drive you insane.
Being an idealist will give you peace of mind, happiness, rest, stability, everything you can wish for basically. So choose wisely.
What Is To Be Done?
I'm often asked: what can the individual do to change the world, to create a different society, a peaceful anarchy?
I think the answer to this is very simple. It's just obfuscated by a concept that is burned so deeply into the western mind and western society: that "talk" is less powerful than "action", that "thoughts" are weaker than "tangible activity".
Activism is always seen through that lens; there are politicians, there is big business, oppressing us. How can "we" attack them on the direct level?
Or: How is a peaceful egalitarian society possible? How can I act towards creating it in my everyday life?
This way of viewing things is useless. If you directly attack power, you will get arrested or worse. If you try to create an anarchist society on your own or with limited people "right now" you won't get far.
So what is the answer?
I believe thoughts, ideals and rationality are the root of human existence and human society. They shape human life, human personality and society. Society is run according to its ideology. A human's life is defined by the ideals he has got.
There are so many ideas in this world that spell oppression, injustice, violence, misery.
We just need to spread ideas that counter these. Ideas of freedom, of rebellion, of equality and exploration and ecstasy.
The tangible world will follow the ideas of that world. If enough people truly believe in the possibility of organized anarchy, they will - almost automatically - eventually sit down and create these societies. While if only a minority believes in these ideas, all "individual" attempts to create such societies will fail.
But even if "worldwide change" is a far away goal - if we spread ideas of rebellion and freedom and exploration, of courage and intellect, we will make an impact and start to change people; to the better.
And you will see, out of this "idealistic activism" - regardless how much people doubt this - a lot of tangible possibilities, projects, changes, communities will arise - almost automatically.
So how to go on with this?
You know the direction your ideas and ideals should be - anarchist, free, utopian, rebellious, creative. Make sure they are as pure, perfect and positive as possible - just like ideals should be. You can spread them simply by talking to people; or feature them in art, music stories. Use your mind! You will find a way.
The most powerful ideal is "truth"; you might doubt it, but even simply by telling the truth; about the government, capitalist lies, the world we live in; you can make an impact. And if others would follow you, you can change the world.
I think the answer to this is very simple. It's just obfuscated by a concept that is burned so deeply into the western mind and western society: that "talk" is less powerful than "action", that "thoughts" are weaker than "tangible activity".
Activism is always seen through that lens; there are politicians, there is big business, oppressing us. How can "we" attack them on the direct level?
Or: How is a peaceful egalitarian society possible? How can I act towards creating it in my everyday life?
This way of viewing things is useless. If you directly attack power, you will get arrested or worse. If you try to create an anarchist society on your own or with limited people "right now" you won't get far.
So what is the answer?
I believe thoughts, ideals and rationality are the root of human existence and human society. They shape human life, human personality and society. Society is run according to its ideology. A human's life is defined by the ideals he has got.
There are so many ideas in this world that spell oppression, injustice, violence, misery.
We just need to spread ideas that counter these. Ideas of freedom, of rebellion, of equality and exploration and ecstasy.
The tangible world will follow the ideas of that world. If enough people truly believe in the possibility of organized anarchy, they will - almost automatically - eventually sit down and create these societies. While if only a minority believes in these ideas, all "individual" attempts to create such societies will fail.
But even if "worldwide change" is a far away goal - if we spread ideas of rebellion and freedom and exploration, of courage and intellect, we will make an impact and start to change people; to the better.
And you will see, out of this "idealistic activism" - regardless how much people doubt this - a lot of tangible possibilities, projects, changes, communities will arise - almost automatically.
So how to go on with this?
You know the direction your ideas and ideals should be - anarchist, free, utopian, rebellious, creative. Make sure they are as pure, perfect and positive as possible - just like ideals should be. You can spread them simply by talking to people; or feature them in art, music stories. Use your mind! You will find a way.
The most powerful ideal is "truth"; you might doubt it, but even simply by telling the truth; about the government, capitalist lies, the world we live in; you can make an impact. And if others would follow you, you can change the world.
Human Idealism
I talked about Idealism. Historically, philosophical Idealism is usually associated with enlightenment era Idealism. This was mostly metaphysical Idealism; to give a simplified description, the idea that ideas and thoughts are the root of the universe and existence, not physical matter and energy. Regardless, the word Idealism generally means a worldview in which ideas are seen as the root.
When I talk about Idealism, it's maybe better to call it Human Idealism. I believe that rationality is the driving force of human existence and personality, and therefore of human society. Ideas and ideals appeal to rationality and are its most powerful agents. Therefore, Ideals are the root of human existence and society.
This clashes with two theories that are widespread.
One, the materialistic view of society. The idea that economic or political structures define society. The king, the prime minister, big business. I rather believe a society's ideology totally defines it's structure. Its ideas, its concepts, its thoughts. There were kings until the idea of monarchy died. There will be the power of big business until the idea of Capitalism dies.
Second, the psychoanalytical idea of the subconsciousness. The idea that humans are ruled by unconscious, hidden, lower urges and desires. I think on the contrary that humans are ruled by rationality, by the very conscious ideals and ideas they have. Rationality is always a much stronger force in human personality than the most powerful desire. If this is not the case for some humans, it is because their rationality is not very developed yet.
This is the idea of Idealism. Ideals and rationality are the true roots of being in this human world.
When I talk about Idealism, it's maybe better to call it Human Idealism. I believe that rationality is the driving force of human existence and personality, and therefore of human society. Ideas and ideals appeal to rationality and are its most powerful agents. Therefore, Ideals are the root of human existence and society.
This clashes with two theories that are widespread.
One, the materialistic view of society. The idea that economic or political structures define society. The king, the prime minister, big business. I rather believe a society's ideology totally defines it's structure. Its ideas, its concepts, its thoughts. There were kings until the idea of monarchy died. There will be the power of big business until the idea of Capitalism dies.
Second, the psychoanalytical idea of the subconsciousness. The idea that humans are ruled by unconscious, hidden, lower urges and desires. I think on the contrary that humans are ruled by rationality, by the very conscious ideals and ideas they have. Rationality is always a much stronger force in human personality than the most powerful desire. If this is not the case for some humans, it is because their rationality is not very developed yet.
This is the idea of Idealism. Ideals and rationality are the true roots of being in this human world.
Bullies And Rebellion
I wasn't exactly a rebel as a child. Well, in a sense I was maybe. I hated cops and the government and authority and shocked my parents with my talk about anarchism. But apart from that... I tried with extreme force to fit in. Follow all the rules. Be a good boy. Do what the teacher says. What the adults demand. I was worried very much that somehow I would fail at fitting in to society.
This all changed when the bullying started (I wrote more about this elsewhere). My bullies threatened to kill me, and I thought they would (and still think they could have). I realized three things out of this. First, my good grades and good behavior won't help me here. They were worthless. Second, the whole system makes no sense. You go to school to get a good job, for the chance to be successful in life. But at the very schools you might get killed or traumatized for life by schoolyard bullies, teacher sexual abuse and so on. How paradox!
And the most important thing, "fitting in" in my situation could mean death. This was a red line I couldn't cross.
At first I tried to reason with myself to find some other way out of this. But the first sparks of rebellion were awakened in me. So I became a rebel. This, for example gave me the inner strength to get a school degree after all. I never could have gone through with it in another way. What was funny was that the everyday adults, who I hated now, like my neighbors, suddenly respected me more. "He seems so to have so much more self esteem now!". If they only knew what I thought about them.
Much later, at one of the All-Out Demolition! parties I met one of my further bullies again, and even he was pleased by the way I had become.
So rebellion does not only work, sometimes it is necessary path of life and you can't do without it.
This all changed when the bullying started (I wrote more about this elsewhere). My bullies threatened to kill me, and I thought they would (and still think they could have). I realized three things out of this. First, my good grades and good behavior won't help me here. They were worthless. Second, the whole system makes no sense. You go to school to get a good job, for the chance to be successful in life. But at the very schools you might get killed or traumatized for life by schoolyard bullies, teacher sexual abuse and so on. How paradox!
And the most important thing, "fitting in" in my situation could mean death. This was a red line I couldn't cross.
At first I tried to reason with myself to find some other way out of this. But the first sparks of rebellion were awakened in me. So I became a rebel. This, for example gave me the inner strength to get a school degree after all. I never could have gone through with it in another way. What was funny was that the everyday adults, who I hated now, like my neighbors, suddenly respected me more. "He seems so to have so much more self esteem now!". If they only knew what I thought about them.
Much later, at one of the All-Out Demolition! parties I met one of my further bullies again, and even he was pleased by the way I had become.
So rebellion does not only work, sometimes it is necessary path of life and you can't do without it.
Spaced Out Producing
I don't do drugs, but a variety of things can get me high; one of them is music (and one of them is pain for some odd reason). And more than that, producing music can get me high. This is how I done music in 2009-2015. I tried to create sounds that started to trip me out, then go along with the trip while building the track. I would start to space out and my fingers where moving almost automatically while producing. And I got on some really good trips and reached some really good highs that way.
This is an understatement. I reached highs of a cosmic quality this way.
Coming down after this was not always easy as I often was a bit disoriented and had trouble speaking clearly or thinking. My tracks also confused me when I listened to them "sober" again; 'did I create this?' 'and how did I create this?'
The tracks were my personal trip diaries.
Because of this, I assumed they would be of little interest to the outside world, but to the contrary, these were often the tracks I got the best feedback on. "The advent of acid" was produced this way, and "Really into this space stuff" and "Fourth Uprising" and countless of others.
Definitely an interesting experience, and probably a safer high then when doing real psychedelics.
This is an understatement. I reached highs of a cosmic quality this way.
Coming down after this was not always easy as I often was a bit disoriented and had trouble speaking clearly or thinking. My tracks also confused me when I listened to them "sober" again; 'did I create this?' 'and how did I create this?'
The tracks were my personal trip diaries.
Because of this, I assumed they would be of little interest to the outside world, but to the contrary, these were often the tracks I got the best feedback on. "The advent of acid" was produced this way, and "Really into this space stuff" and "Fourth Uprising" and countless of others.
Definitely an interesting experience, and probably a safer high then when doing real psychedelics.
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