Idealism And Art

Some people are in the art or music scene to take more than they give. There are a lot of them; these guys and girls are leeches parasite.
Now, a lot of people would think it should be a balance: to get around the same amount that you give; i.e. if you use creativity, time, mental strain and so on on your art or music, you should get something in return: recognition, money, whatever.
But that's not true. If you want to be an artist, you have to be willing to give more than you get back; or to give and get nothing in return. Because if you're a creative person you're likely an idealist; and idealists get only punishment in this world. But it's still worth doing it - exactly, and purely for the idealism.

It's complicated to talk about myself, because in such a context it's close to an ego thing. But I want to give an example of what i try to "give". I know one thing: that the society we live in right now can be abolished, and we can instead create an anarchist society based on pure freedom, pure justice, pure rightiousness and equality. Now, in the 1990s knowing this meant nothing. A million girls and boys around the world believed the same thing in the various subcultures. But I noticed, now, in 2018, and the years before, a lot of people have a hard time believing this thing. They either think that they're stuck with capitalism, or IF a revolution or breakdown of society happens, the society that would replace it would be much worse. But this is of course not true.
On a personal level, there is a similar thing. People have shitty jobs or are outsiders or have mental health problems or are in another shitty life situation. And again, they think they're stuck. But that's not the truth. You can change your life and rise above this. Again, there are not many people left who knows actually rather simple, banal but exact and imporant truth.
So these are the two thoughts I want to share with my music.

To get back to the beginning point; if you're an idealist, even if you gain nothing (and very likely, you indeed will gain nothing), and even though it's worth doing it purely for idealism; by being an idealist you will gain much more than money or fans or wealth or power or whatever your ego craves. Money and fame are a trap. They will disappear over night. It's an illusion. Look at what happens to rockstars; they commit suicide. Not despite their wealth, not despite being adored. But exactly because of that. Because money and fame are a burden that is almost impossible to stem for a human mind. It will drive you insane.
Being an idealist will give you peace of mind, happiness, rest, stability, everything you can wish for basically. So choose wisely.

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