What Is To Be Done?

I'm often asked: what can the individual do to change the world, to create a different society, a peaceful anarchy?
I think the answer to this is very simple. It's just obfuscated by a concept that is burned so deeply into the western mind and western society: that "talk" is less powerful than "action", that "thoughts" are weaker than "tangible activity".
Activism is always seen through that lens; there are politicians, there is big business, oppressing us. How can "we" attack them on the direct level?
Or: How is a peaceful egalitarian society possible? How can I act towards creating it in my everyday life?
This way of viewing things is useless. If you directly attack power, you will get arrested or worse. If you try to create an anarchist society on your own or with limited people "right now" you won't get far.

So what is the answer?
I believe thoughts, ideals and rationality are the root of human existence and human society. They shape human life, human personality and society. Society is run according to its ideology. A human's life is defined by the ideals he has got.
There are so many ideas in this world that spell oppression, injustice, violence, misery.
We just need to spread ideas that counter these. Ideas of freedom, of rebellion, of equality and exploration and ecstasy.
The tangible world will follow the ideas of that world. If enough people truly believe in the possibility of organized anarchy, they will - almost automatically - eventually sit down and create these societies. While if only a minority believes in these ideas, all "individual" attempts to create such societies will fail.

But even if "worldwide change" is a far away goal - if we spread ideas of rebellion and freedom and exploration, of courage and intellect, we will make an impact and start to change people; to the better.
And you will see, out of this "idealistic activism" - regardless how much people doubt this - a lot of tangible possibilities, projects, changes, communities will arise - almost automatically.

So how to go on with this?
You know the direction your ideas and ideals should be - anarchist, free, utopian, rebellious, creative. Make sure they are as pure, perfect and positive as possible - just like ideals should be. You can spread them simply by talking to people; or feature them in art, music stories. Use your mind! You will find a way.

The most powerful ideal is "truth"; you might doubt it, but even simply by telling the truth; about the government, capitalist lies, the world we live in; you can make an impact. And if others would follow you, you can change the world.

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