On Luxury

there is a heightened interest in wealth, luxury, money lately, in western society and worldwide. material wealth seems to be one of the main things people put their focus on in life now. but i think there is more to this. people do not crave money and luxury just for pleasure or short-lived happiness. surely, a lot of people enjoy the "nice things" they can buy for money. but, as i said, there is more. there is a certain way in which luxury, in which "the life of the rich and the famous" is portrayed in society and by the media. it is almost  religious. luxury spells salvation. being rich spells salvation. it is worshipped as something that would give pure bliss. the rich are portrayed as if they would live in a completely different world from the ordinary people. free from sorrow, free from pain, free from the contraints of everyday live. free to do what they want, to do as they please - they're rich, after all, and can seemingly do all the things "money can buy".
this is why people admire the rich, and strive to be rich. they want to break free from being chained to the everyday routine most people have. and it is understandably so. is not "ordinary" live, to a large part, for many people, filled with problems, painful tasks, and above all, an all-penetrating dullness? at least, by many, it is felt this way. and even if ones life is not based on pain - if it's enjoyable - is it not logical, to crave for a even more joyful, blissful life, with more activity, passion, possibilites, that is inherently different to everyday experiences?
the rich are portrayed as the only ones who are not submitted to the dullness and lack of meaning of "everyday life".
but this is based on an error in thought. it is a misconception.
because you can not find true happiness in money, or being rich, or all the adventures money can bring. you can not find true meaning in that.
real happiness is found, if you use your abilites to help others. to fight for a better world. to bring about social change and justice.
if you try to make a change for the better, only then, real, deep joy could be experienced in your life. if you quench the thirst of those who suffer, if you find a way to help people, to help this world.

this is the real wealth. the true wealth. the wealth of your emotions.
you will be trapped in the mind-dulling experience of everyday life until you realize this and act according to this.
only this way you can experience true joy. and be true to yourself.

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