It Doesn't Matter

i talked about the difference between the ideal, the ideas, and the tangible, the direct in quite some texts now, and how they are - basically - irreconcilable. but this has some further consequences; on your person. because in our society, the worth of a person is estimated by the tangible, direct things he has; his job, money, social standing, luxury, power, fame. but this is not important. it doesn't matter. what matters is the mind of a person, his emotions, his feelings, his creativity, his thoughts. it doesn't matter if someone is homeless, or a junkie, or a loner, or disabled, or a freak, or a crimimal. this doesn't take away your worth. this doesn't take away your beauty. if you have beautiful thoughts, wonderful emotions, if you are honest, then you are worthy, then you are wealthy, no matter what your surroundings are, no matter if you are the worst loser on planet earth. well, yes, these things "do" matter; but not to your worth, not to your beauty. life is more enjoyable if you are not homeless or sick. but again, it doesn't take your own, self, personal worth away.
in the end it gets even farther than that; because the worth is not defined, in the end, by your thoughts or personality either. *every* human is beautiful, at his heart and as himself. every one is wonderful, everyone is great. and nothing, nothing ever could take your beauty away. and basically, most of the problems you face, are because you have forgotton this, that nothing, no circumstance, no action, no event, could take your beauty away. if you could see your beauty as it is, your problems would go away within a short time.

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments someone tell that to the world around you.. :)
