School Is Hell

"Because hell, hell is for children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess" - Pat Benetar

"Hey, Teachers, leave them kids alone" - Pink Floyd

I hate nothing more than when there is a movie like this: a "troubled" kid has lots of problems in life and his social surrounding, then some teacher at school "believes" in him and takes care of him, and finally he can reach something good in his life and goes from a lower class to a middle (or even upper) class future.
Real school is nothing like that.
School is the place where kids get raped by their teachers (and other kids). School is the place where kids get killed or crippled by their bullies. School is the place that mentally fucks you up for the rest of your life.
and if there is one thing that school is not: a place for "social mobility".
School sent lower class kids to a lower class future, middle class kids to a middle class future and upper class kids to the upper class.
At my school, the kids of "poor" parents were always blamed for everything negative and bad that happened; and the teachers always gave them the vibe: "you're from poor parents, you'll never amount to anything in life anyway, so why should we waste our time on you."
While there was a middle class kid that had teachers as parents, and when he got into fights etc, he was never held responsible for it, "of course the other kids must have started the fight", "he is innocent", etc. It was always token care he would go for a middle class position later in life.
If there is some social mobility in schools, it's downwards: even middle or upper class kids *may* be sent to the lower class if they bring a rebel streak to school.

Same goes for all those teenage dramedy series, where school life is portrayed as being cozy and the only worry you have is about your first love etc; all the violence inherent in the public school system is completely blanked out in these shows.
School is hell.

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