The Big Task In Life And The Small Task In Life

The Big Task In Life

there is one big task you have to achieve in life. and this is, to be exactly like you are. to be yourself, yourself as you are. and here is the good news. you already achieved this, had already achieved this, and will forever achieve this. for you are exactly like you are. you can not be elsewise. in everything you do, and everything you are, you always one hundred percent yourself.
so the game of life is already solved - from the beginning. you had solved already when you were born. maybe one could say the conception of time is conceived the wrong way round: perfection was already reached in the beginning, and everything that happens afterwards is a journey from that.
so there is literally nothing you *have* to do in your life; the price, and the price of life is always around you, and is always there for you. you *can* do a lot in your life; become rich, travel the world, be adventureous; or to the opposite, live a life without much dangers and threats, "a simple, fulfilled life". but you don't have to do this; and no matter how you succeed in these things, you can't top the achievement you already had at your birth: to be yourself as you are.
so is there no way you could lose yourself, or divert from yourself? what if you tried to change yourself, and "succeeded", are you not a different man, or woman, then? no, because who changed himself? you! it was always you, the old you was you and the new you is you again. even if you replaced every thought, desire, trait of personality of yourself - something you better should not do - you would still be exactly yourself, as *you* are the one who changed all these things, you are the driving force, the mover behind this. if you pulled of conceiving a new character for yourself, it is still you, as you the conceiver and the force, and the person. it is always you, it was always you, and it will be always you. this is of course related the lie of many organisations of religions. the sinner is as much as himself as the saint. from a point of view, the old sinner is already a saint, and a saint is still the old sinner.
you are yourself and you will always be yourself. and you can never be anything else as yourself. this is the big constant in life. and nothing can ever be as yourself. this is the second constant. you are always different from everything else, and everything else is always different from yourself. as you are singular, and unique. and noone can be like yourself and you can never truly be like someone else.
and this is the one thing you have to arrive at in life. but, you already arrived at it, and it will always be attainable for you. the truth is, you made it. you won the game of life.

The Small Task In Life

i talked about the big task in life. there arise two conclusions out of this: you *have* to do nothing in life (but can do everything). there is nothing that *has* to be done, in an important, essential meaning. yet, there is still something that can be done. this is a bit of a paradox, and i can't say i have fully got my head around it yet. you are yourself, and there is no way you can top this, or to attain more in life. yet, there are things, that you can attain, there is movement. i call this the small task in life. basically, what it is, is to come to terms with yourself. the more you are accepting yourself as you are, the less you run away from what you are, the better. or rather, put in a different wording, the less *split* you are, the better. as most people divide themselves into multiple parts of themselves, instead of being a whole, complete person. they hate some of their thoughts, desires. they dislike some of their "faults" and lack of abilities. they go so far as to hide these parts from others, and to hide them from themselves, trying to hide them from their consciousness and live as if these parts of themselves do not exist. they would deny them if others would point to them, and even deny them to themselves. so, people are fractured. this fracture is an illusion too, though, as they are still a whole in any case: as it is, again, themselves, who deny these parts. so it originates from themselves too, after all.

the goal should be to be a whole, a complete. a full person. without fighting of or denying any part of yourself, no matter how dirty, shameful, weak or laughable it seems to you and others. this doesn't mean you have to "act" out your most negative thoughts; if it endangers others, you of course should not! but at least don't deny that it is "your" thought. don't try to be not aware of it.
as for simple weaknesses, faults; why hide and run away from them at all? you are not a lesser person because of them.

to be one; to be complete, to be one, to be a union. i call this the lesser task of life. the small task of life.
the big task is maybe infinitely more important; but this task is infinetely important too.

if you walk this road, and do these things, big rewards will suddenly become reachable for you. you will gain a lot, you will arrive at at worthful destination. see it for you yourself.

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