Was Culture, Music, Society Better In The Past?

the problem is that culture, music and society seemingly really was better in the past. which leads to missing the point in the debate of "current" vs "past". which is that life is about renewal, change, abandoning the past *and* the current. it's not about keeping things. it's about breaking free. and because of this, the current society, music and culture *has* to be rejected at the core. to compare it with the past creates a longing for past gone "better days". while in fact it doesn't matter if it was better in the past or not. the current, what is today, what exists nowadays, still has to be rejected, destroyed, dismantled, regardless of wether society is better, or worse, or the same as it was in the past. even if we would live in the perfect society and culture, and everything would be fine and nice and great, still - basically - everything that exist needs to be rejected and society would need to be challenged and fought. because, as i said, this is what life is. constantly evolving, constantly leaving everything that becomes "comfort" or "persistant" behind - no matter how nice it seems. today's culture needs to be fought. no matter how good or okay or great it is.
let's face it. music, mainstream culture, most forms of media, sucked in the 60s. they sucked in the 70s. and they sucked in the 2000 years and they especially suck in our decade.
but this is no need to resignate. because it enforces the need to move on from the old and the current and to create some new, something thrilling, something brilliant and fresh.

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