Invisible Knowledge

when a man or woman, by chance, or by reflection, or by skill, has the feeling he has knowledge that surpasses the normal, information he wants to share, or just a critique that he feels is necessary to be put out in the world, he has a variety of choices he can make. he can choose to go the "official way", join academia or get known another way, become one of societies respected scholars, authors, philosopheres. there are a lot of hindrances on this way. academia, as we know it, is, after all, the academia of society, of 'the system'. so if his ideas go against the status quo, his ideas run the risk of being quenched. this happened plenty of times in history. how many 'radical' professors are there at the universities, compared to the ones who defend or tolerate the status quo? but, even, if in the name of freedom of speech, an university does not try to flush out its radicals; as it was like in the university setting of the 60s; they still will not tolerate ideas that are such as radical, as they are criticisng academia itself. still, even if a university would exist, that is so tolerant and liberal, that it accepts ideas of any radicality; its professors simply cannot support those ideas, that are so radical and far ahead, that they do not understand it. if someone at a medival university gave a talk about computer technology, that is common now, he would have been laughed at and chased away. for even if a professor would be willing to support these ideas that are even ahead of him; if he can't comprehend them, how would he tell the different between a foolish design and a brilliant idea?
so, going for academia, going for the "offical way" when trying to move in the field of knowledge, of wisdom and philosophy, might not be the smartest idea.
another way to further, and to publish ones ideas, is the counterculture and the fringe. the counterculture itself is not much visible or existent anymore, yet it is still home of a few authors, so let's take a look at it. usually, the counterculture bares no limit on the radicality of an idea itself, so one enjoys there a thousand times more freedom than in the setting of academia - seemingly. yet there are still downsides to these. the "left" has its dogmas and fixed ideas too, and if you go against these, you will quickly reach your limits in the countercultural milieu. even the most radical anarchist groups usually have their few, "dumb", dogmas that they cant get rid of - a bane for every true freethinker. it would be nice to supply these claims with a few examples, but there is not much time for it. seemingly, a "career" on the fringe side of society has its drag too. as you might not be taking serious, or just not reach a lot of people, this way.

yet there is another way. we assumed, you would put out your ideas in the open. but you do not have too. you can spread them - invisible. as a poet, an artist, a philosopher you can spread your knowledge, your wisdom, in a secret way.
put them into metaphors; short stories; art; fiction; allegories; stories. this way, there is virtually no limit on your ideas and how you can spread them, if you do it right.
this is of course, what thousands of poets, musicians and artists have done throughout the ages.
no matter how strong the censorship of the king or the clergy was; they could not ban an allegoric painting, if they did not even understood the artists intention.
so, in peotry, art, music, and such, is a pool of knowledge, of truth, of ideas, to be found, that is hidden from the view of the masses. and this pool of knowledge, in many terms, surpasses the official knowledge, philosophies, theories, that are known to people.
so go ahead; if you thirst for wisdom; explore this deep, this other pool of knowledge. the deep ocean of wisdom in which the poet and the artist swim.

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