Depths And Heights

I posted about some "dark" parts of my life recently. There were many reasons for it. First, I don't think "mental health" should be a taboo topic, and people should be more open about it (only if they can and want too, of course). But secondly, it's a matter of balance. There is always light and dark, pleasure and pain, success and failure. I went to some deep depths in my life, but I also went to the highest of heights (not talking about drugs). The question is: could I have had the one without the other? Likely not. It's just part of the human experience. My depths forced me to learn and grow, and reach better things. Light led to dark and dark led to light. Both are part of life. And both are part of the work as an artist. For example, I've been told by some people that tracks of me that dealt with dark feelings helped them to cope with, handle similar experiences. Is that then not a positive outcome? (Not to boast about this; just to give an example of how something dark let to something good. A lot of other artists can tell you the same.)
So it's all a matter of balance. Don't shut out one thing and only look at the other.

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