Love Your Self

There is only one thing you need to do in your life. But you need to do it. If you don't do it, everything you do will lead to failure, even if you seemingly succeed; at a career, for example, or at "family life".
If you do it, you can succeed at everything you want. Being a rockstar? A millionaire? It's easy.
Now you might say it's unfair, that you need to do this thing, out of all million things. How could you know it's this one? How could you find it?
Well, every human is constantly pulled towards it, and it is obvious, right in front of your face, more or less. If man would stop acting and live a passive life, he would quickly be pulled to and achieve this thing.
But the very essence of human life for 99% of people is to fight it. This is their main task in life, what they define as "life"; this fight against it.
So what is this thing? Very easy:

Love your self.

Not in a narcissistic way; although that can't hurt either; but realize that your self is the most beautiful, most special, most powerful, most wonderful thing ever.
That its brilliance and perfection outshines everything that exists; that it is simply the one and only thing worth worshipping, worth loving, worth caring for.
Now that doesn't mean you should think of your self as higher as other people's selves; they are just as beautiful as your self. Everyone has a shining self.
But only you can love your self in your own special way; only you are made to love your self as you do; it's up to other people to love their selves too, it's not your duty.

Actually, there is something to be amended to this; if you love your self, you will be on a way where you can love others and in the end everyone's self too; but first things first; you can only truly love another person if you have learned to love your self. But first things first; we might talk about it later.

Why am I saying you are constantly pulled towards your self? Because every day, week and year is a struggle, where your self gets noisy and demanding for love, and people decide to fight it instead.
For example you have an okay job with free time and easy life. But you have the chance to get a better job with more money and fame and success. Your self *screams*; let me continue the good life, the a bit lazy, but okay life, the humble life. But you force yourself to get more money and fame and go up the career ladder; chasing after illusionary things such as "money" instead of listening to your self.
Or you are on the chubby side. But society pressures you to fit to the beauty standard, so you get on a painful diet and annoying sports and so on, while your self screams, just let me have my sweets and chocolate.
I could give a thousand more example for this. People are constantly denying their self, going against it, hating it; when they could love their selves instead.
And this is the very basic of almost every outward religion or school of philosophy; deny your self to gain the kingdom of Heaven. Fight your self to meet Buddha. No, this is the very wrong way. Embrace your self. Support your self. Accept your self.

Now let's get back to the narcissism a bit. Narcissistic love for your self would be, "oh I'm so intelligent, therefore I'm so great", or "because I'm so beautiful, or so seemingly strong" etc.
This is not true love for your self. Because it it based on conditions. Only when you unconditionally love your self then you really love your self. Regardless of your IQ or your money or your looks. When you realize, from every perspective there is so much wrong with you, or not really a thing without possible criticism about you, and you're not free from imperfection and weakness - from a societal point of view, a rational, a real, or a human point of view; but still you love your self, your weak, humble, small, tiny, crooked, false, but oh-so-beautiful and radiant self. Then you truly have love for your self.
Then you can rise above every limit society imposed on you; any limit the world imposed; and you can reach your goals and dreams and ideals - with ease.
Such is the way. Love your self. Never forget about this.

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